Dear Mom, Happy Valentine’s day. We were just discharged from the hospital. You and dad are sleeping. Poor man has been up since 3 AM. ...
Dear Mom, About two years ago Dad took the boys and I out to dinner and broke the news. "I don't have a formal diagnosis...
How To Choose The Right Candidate: A Guide To Good Voting, by Kevin Ulriksen
Did you vote yesterday? I voted, way more than you as you are about to read, and so did Kevin. The moment I got home...
Kevin Not Broken
Today is a bad day. That phrase has taken on a whole new meaning since the world disappeared. Mommy says we have it better than...
Now That It’s Over
My family’s favorite movie of all time is The Princess Bride. We have watched it so many times I honestly believe I could recite the...
By the middle of kindergarten, when he was 5, Kevin’s aggressive behavior at home and at school was completely out of control. Whenever we made...
Dear Published, Thank you so much for your kind words and understanding: I’m working on my excerpt for your book but I keep hitting a...
The Fair Phantom
Do you have someone in your life who loves you fiercely but at times you wish they didn’t? Me too. Her name is Jenna. That’s...
What Do We Sound Like To Strangers?
There are strangers in the house. We’re having the upstairs of our home remodeled and every day a new crop of very kind, professional, strangers...
If there was someone who really understood
I’ve said a lot of nasty things about most of the books written about special needs parenting, but I’m happy to report I just finished...