Did you know you can email anonymously? Me neither, but apparently you can. Last week I got an email from several semicolons, one percent sign...
I wouldn’t change a thing
I know this is going to come as a shocker since I have three children but I’m infertile. Yup. I got married when I was...
Half Plus Half Equals Twins
I used to call my twins halves. When Kevin went missing, if he wasn’t buck naked at Jeanie’s house talking to the dog I would...
Where Denial was the Hyatt Regency with Thor waiting on you hand and foot, Blame is a trailer park that rents by the week run...
I’ll Go Back To Being Funny Now
I am in receipt of the following private message: I love your blog. I don’t have a special needs child but I read it...
Everything happens for a reason
Ever since I started this blog I have been inundated with statements of gratitude from women who say I have “validated their feelings” and until...
No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Permission
Today I am in receipt of the following private message: I have a blog topic.... When that 1 Special Ed teacher breaks your kid down,...
Do You Think I’m A Good Mother?
As I’m sure you can imagine, I don’t get out much. For the most part I can be found in 1 of 4 places: the...
I went back to school in 2005 to get my degree in special education. One of the courses I took required us to invite someone...
Goddesses Among Women
Every town has a village idiot. In medieval times a person like my son would have been referred to in this manner, but today it’s...